What part of the trip helped you get to know Jesus better? What are some ways you got to know Jesus better?
Are there any ways you and your youth group could keep serving the community you were in? How could you do that?
What was your favorite part of the trip? What was your least favorite part?
What would have you done if you stayed home instead of going on the mission trip?
How did you like helping out on meal crews during the week? What was your favorite part?
What is one new thing you learned about someone else in your group on the mission trip?
What “Yea God’s” do you have from the trip?
What possession did you miss most during this trip? Was there anything good about not having it?
When did an adult leader play an important part in your trip? What did they do?
When did a YouthWorks staff member play an important part in your trip? What did they do?
What did you laugh hardest about during the trip?
When did you cry or want to cry during the trip?
Describe (or show) your favorite picture from the trip. Why is it your favorite?
Why would you or would you not go on a trip like this again next year?
Ten years from now, what do you think you will remember most about this trip?
If you could bottle up a feeling or an idea from this trip and keep it forever, what would it be?
When were you most tired during this trip?
What are two things you brought home from this trip – one physical and one not physical?
What made you thankful during the trip? What will you do as a result of with thankfulness?
What do you have in common with the community kids you met? How is your life different from theirs?
What do you wish for the kids you met?
What do you think God wants you to do with the experience of working with kids?
What part of the work project did you like best? Why?
Did you learn anything new while working at your Work Projects site? Any new skills or tricks?
How is the house you worked on or the neighborhood you worked in like yours? How is it different?
Did you have a chance to visit with the person you are serving? What did you learn about them? How can you pray for them?
What do you wish for the community member(s) whom you served through work projects?
What do you think God wants you to do with this experience of serving others through work projects?
Where did you serve and what does that place do?
What was it like serving? How did you feel? What did you do?
Have you served before at a place like the one you were at? How did you feel when you heard you’d be serving there? Did your first impressions change? How?
What’s something you saw or heard during your service that surprised you?
Do you know of any places back home like the organization you served during the trip? If not, do you think there’s a need for a place like this? Why or why not?
At your service site, did anything made you feel uncomfortable or nervous? How did you have to step outside your comfort zone?
What do you think Jesus would do or say if he showed up at that service site?
What do you think God wants you to do as a result of volunteering by serving at this place?
What kind of things did you do for Evening Activities each night? Share about one that stuck out to you.
What was something _________ that happened during an Evening Activity? (e.g. funny, interesting, sad, awkward, exciting, surprising, etc.)
What do you want to remember about a certain Evening Activity?
What did you learn during Evening Activities?
How is the community you are from like the community you visited? How is it different?
What was unique about the community you visited? If you had two or three sentences to describe the community you visited, what would you say?
What were some of the strengths of the community you visited? What did you learn from them?
What are some areas where the community is hurting? How were you able to help?
What will you miss most about the community you just left?
Who is one person you met from the community that you will remember most?
How can you celebrate and learn from the differences of the people you met in the community?
How could you keep serving the community you visited even after you’ve left?
How do you feel daily devotion time affected your overall experience during your mission trip? How did it impact your relationship with God?
What did you learn about yourself on this trip?
How did God overturn your expectations for your mission trip?
What are you excited about doing back home?
What was one of the biggest things you learned about yourself during your mission trip?
What was one of the biggest things you learned about God during your mission trip?
How has your idea of God’s Kingdom and your role in God’s work changed during your mission trip?
How did this trip change you?
What’s something you want to be different in your life back home? What do you need to do?
Has your view of yourself changed at all this week? In what ways?
What was most exciting?
What was the most important thing you learned?
What were the three biggest things you did on this trip that you’ve never done before?
Where did you see God during your trip?
What did you miss most about home?
How did God open your eyes?
Who is one person you met whom you won’t forget?
In what ways did you need to rely on God?
How did the way you see others change during your trip?
What is something you think you should do now that the trip is over?
Why do you think God wanted you to go on this trip?
Who was a kid you really connected with? Share about him or her.
What is one way you could pray for the kids you met?
What part of Kids Club did you help out with? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?
What’s something funny that happened at Kids Club?
What’s something challenging that happened on the Work Projects site?
How do you think you could learn more about places like the organization you served with or about the particular issue that’s being addressed there (e.g. homelessness, single-parent families, people with special needs, etc.)?
Where did you see the beauty and strength of the community through Evening Activities? Where did you see hardship in the community through Evening Activities?
If you were to organize an Evening Activity for a group that was coming to your own community, where would you have them to go? Why?
If you had $1,000 to use on the community you visited, what would you do with it?
What did you learn from spending time with God during Devotions each day?
What was hard about Devotions? What was rewarding?
What realization(s) did you have during Devotion time? Why was that important?
What do you want your devotional life to look like back home? What do you need to do to make that happen?
Have you used the “Devos Back Home” section in the back of the Trip Journal? If so, what has worked for you?
How do you think Jesus is inviting you to turn your love for others into a lifestyle?
How has someone shown you unconditional love?
What did you learn about Neighbors through your devotion time?
What stood out to you from the videos you watched during The Gathering this week?
Who do you think God might be inviting you to love generously back home?
In what ways can you be Jesus to people back at home?
When have you been able to act out of compassion for someone else?
For you, what is the best and most challenging part about following Jesus?
What are somethings that threaten to limit your love for others?
What are ways you can love without limits?
When has someone acted out of compassion to you?
What did you learn or experience about what it means to be a neighbor?
How can you treat others as neighbors back home?
How do you think God is inviting you to expand your definition of “neighbor?”
How can your group be good at treating people like neighbors?
When has someone seen you as valuable? What was that like for you?
How does experiencing unconditional love help you understand God’s love?
If we want others to know Jesus’ love, why is it important for us to see others as valuable?
How does your relationship with God impact your ability to love your neighbor as yourself?